
Just a little post here to say that the 10 day meditation has been one of the best things I have done here in India. Some bits were hard, some great, but overall, I feel a significant 'something' having shifted within me having had so much time to reflect, ponder, and begin to actually learn to meditate! The course I did came from the Tibetan Buddhist philosophy (quite appropriate, here in Dharamasala!), and we were woken up every day with a Gong at 6pm for an early morning 45 minute 'breathing' meditation in the Gongpa on cushions. For the first 7 days we had teachings after this and 'guided meditations'. We were allowed to talk between lunch and dinner and the rest of the time was silence. The last 2 days we had to be in complete silence all day and had only meditations (no teachings). In some ways I don't think I realised how much it all really was meaning until afterward! I have definately had a few inner realisations and am aware of how impermanent everything is and that I have far too many attachments to become a monk, but hey-it was certainly an enlightening experience, which has created more questions!
The setting was lovely, a nestled few buildings enveloped in trees in the mountains away from the hustle and bustle, with loads of naughty monkeys swinging and scarpering about (extremely entertaining).
Another great thing about the experience were the people, I have met some truly gorgeous folk! There were about 50 I think, and I keep bumping into them round McCloud Ganj. We also keep hooking up in restaurants! Am currently sharing a room with Lily (short for Aurelie) lovely French girl from Toulouse who is good to keep my French in tact(see pic on prayer wheels)!
Will it work this time? tried to leave comments before, to no avail ! Wish I was there in Goa with you right now, instead of dark, wet and windy Chalmaison ! XXX Mumsey
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