The Adventure Continues

Back in Vashsisht after a great week away. We left last Monday and I returned here Wednedsday without Mayanne as she is off to Daramasala (though we will hook up again when I get there in a weeks time). Lake Rewalsar was another contrast to everywhere had been before. It is a predominantly Buddhist area and we stayed next to the monastary there. Loads of freindly monks were wandering about. The most incredible part of our stay was when went high above the town to these sacred caves, which had in them shrines of Buddha. Also a place for the monks to do their meditating. One of the caves has in it a footstep(see pic) which is said to belong to Padmasambhava. The view from here of Lake Rewalsar below was spectacular.
We found some Buddhist Nuns there who were really lovely but we had trouble conversing both being unable to speak each others language! They made us tea and we sat with them for a while. At this point, I began to notice and feel the calmness of the place. I also saw here a simplicity of life, and joy in the eyes of these people that needed very little to bring such contentment, bringing me to question my own life...(though I guess what you don't know, you don't miss).
Anyway am now back here in Vashisht, with my lovely tibetan freinds, and I met Dominique (french lady) again, who is in running this school in Manali for nomad children of rajasthan. I visited the school, and it is very very basic, and they have so few resources. I am volunteering there for a week, to help the teachers with some ideas and have spent a few hours making resources to teach english words and phonetics. Trying to find an artist to help illustrate the words! I never thought I would be using my Hindi Phrase book for this! I am today going to find out about getting some reading books. I will be spending a while at this school every day, and then I will spend a while at another school 5km away from Manali, in a Buddhist school to help the kids learn English, some of whom are being sponsored by Dominique.
By the way its suddenly cold here. I feel like I am at home.
PS: Tim that tape you gave me was a godsend. I now have ready made curtains to block out cold and light held up with the magic tape!
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