Just a last little note...

I kind of wanted to do this earlier, write a little conclusion on my trip, (as had been pointed out to me) of what its meant to me, how I feel I have changed (if I have!) e.t.c), but when I got back from the trip to India and Nepal, after all the excitement of getting back home and being filled with this longing in sharing my stories and call everybody, the euphoria wore of quickly when I discovered that my beloved Nana was in hospital and it didn't look good. A week later she passed to where she has gone, and I wasn't in truth prepared for it. I had this naive thought that My beautiful lovely Nana would be here forever, as she was one of the only people I knew who always had been, same address, same house that seemed to have shrunk, except it wasn't the house, it was me getting taller...
Anyway, it just shook me from one reality to the next and I want in to make a dedication to a lovely lady named Eleanor Skinner who I knew as my Nana, and always will, I love you Nana.
If there is one thing I have discovered these last 7 months, its that I am lucky. I am lucky to have had the experiences, to have met people that I wouldn't have otherwise met from India and Nepal, the local people, the native people who make their country what it is. A lot of them don't have the choices and freedom we have, and this was a big learning for me. I can go visit them if I want, yet a large number of them can't get on a plane and come see my country. I also learned about patience and acceptence, and how easily we get worked up. Travelling 6 hours on a freeway in America is nothing compared to 27 hours on a train, or 12 hours on a bus thats only travelling 70 miles! It has put my life in perspective.
I also want to say that what really made my trip for me were the amazing people, who were all also on their journeys. They made the trip for me.. ..
I want to thank everybody who contributed to all the wonderful experiences I had on my trip to India and Nepal from beginning to end. Firstly I want to thank a certain American who was a rock, became my seahorse and said oie a lot. (Bud bud) I love the experiences we shared beginning with Buddha in the Himalaya. Thanks also to all the other beautiful people. To Jolande, who was the Angel sent from Heaven with her beautiful blond tresses and welcomed me to the vibrant and mystical land of India at the Airport, and showed me the circuit in Delhi, so I was the only traveler I knew there who actually enjoyed Delhi! Thanks also to Maayan, who I met in Manali that morning at the Yoga class before we instantly connected and shared some special experiences in the amazing Parvatti Mountains. Thanks to Dominique, the amazing woman who single-handedly created a school for children who would be on the streets otherwise, and for letting me be a part of it. To the very jovial and lovely Andrew from Canada who saved me with the anti-biotics and whose path I would come across from Manali to Dharamasala to Varkala way down South whilst with my mum! Also to Nawang, the lovely Tibetan lady who looked after me in Vashisht where we bathed in the hot spring under the stars, and gave me her clothes when I was freezing my butt!
Thanks also to all of you that I found in Dharamasala on the 10 day meditation retreat, where I met some very special people (hey Lilie-I will never forget our little french snipits of conversation and our longings of french wine and cheese, Julieta, you were great to share with). You know who you are, and some of who I will be seeing again soon..(hope to make your wedding Lisbeth!)
Thanks to a lovely Polish girl I met at the bus station there, who knew how to spot Dolphins, play with Pois on the beach(Go Kaya Go Kaya!) and make great cheese rolls in Anjuna.
Thanks to Eddie and Ade, for the fantastic time in Anjuna, reminding me not to take myself too seriously, lots of fun nights out dancing, and later regretting it on the beach even though Eddie didn't seem to have that problem and had the energy of someone 20 years younger.
Now on to my infamous mad clan who I shared a very special Christmas with, Gertie, Margate (or Margy), Peculiar Petulia, Edna and the incredibly wise and special King Arthur (Hail to you-we need you). Thanks for being my family.
Thanks to Avital, the queen of Kudley Beach, thanks for all the fun gal, I hope you are still dancing with your Poi!
Thanks to Mumsey and Olivier for coming over for two weeks of incredible times in India. I loved being able to share my journey with you! Thanks also to my Uncle Christian who made us all laugh so much with his antics.
Thanks to Dean and Zen who made our trekking experience in Nepal that much more entertaining! We will never forget you. Thanks to everybody that has checked this blog-its you guys that kept me going with the diary, and it wouldn't exist if you didn't. And thanks if you actually bothered to read this far (RESPECT!)
Thanks to India and Nepal! You will always be in my heart...
Sweetheart, this is a beautiful final chapter to your Indian journey. Made me cry my eyes out. I love you. XXXXX Mumsey.
Ah Babes, thats a lovely way to end your story- Im glad you sound soooooo happy!!! Lots of love Sal xxxx
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