Goodbye Goa-I'm halfway through my trip!!

Well its another move, which after being here over a month hasn't been the easiest as its been so brilliant. Arambol turned out to be fantastic, and it was to do with the people more than anything. There is a great community here of muscians, and people of all ages from all places! Our huts were lovely and the Goan locals that ran them were such nice people. They invited us to there sons 1 year old Birthday Party which was really sweet(see pic of sal giving pressie)...
We have evolved from 6 people to 8, having met a lovely Thai couple. Its like United Nations, as we also have the Polish, Americans and English! Its so nice, we get on really well and spend the majority of the time in fits of laughter. We also have pseudo names. I am Hilly (short for Hilary), Sally is Margate, Pete is Peculiar Petulia, Edwin is Gertrude, Kaya is Edna, Tong is Horatio the Hornblower and Sue is Petal (the only one worthy of a sweet name) and most importantly of course, Tom is King Arthur, as it really does suit him(check pic where we all bow down)...
New Years Eve was fantastic, and we all hired a jeep and spent it dancing at the Famous Gagarin to Sergio (te Russian owner's) fab selection of dance music until the early hours... We also had a firework display on the beach and I brought my little Drum. To help me recover from a nights partying and overindulging, I had a treat the following day of a 3 hour massage, with a face mask thrown in. IT WAS THE BEST.
Well back to now and onto Hampi....
Never mind, Sweetie,
We're GOAING to be back for Christmas 2008, yeah ?!!
With Tim, Dana, Bry Y, and "bestest" friends. Palm trees instead of a poor fir tree covered in bobbles, prawns and yummie sea food in place of turkey, the sound of the waves and the sun as presies...sounds great, nah ?
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